Hot Mill
Perhaps nowhere on earth will you find more demanding applications than in a Hot Mill. The applied forces, variable speeds and harsh environment make the design and manufacturing of the products used to process STEEL a supreme challenge. XTEK TSP (Tool Steel Process) components set the industry standard for performance.
Xtek provides the most comprehensive group products and services available that will improve the performance of your Hot Mill. Our engineering and heat treat expertise is built into each of our products to provide long lasting, wear resistant components.
Key products and services include:
- Main Mill Gearboxes
- Mill Pinions
- Gear Couplings / Mill Spindles
- Universal Joints
- Specialty Coupling Grease
- Pinch Rolls
- Custom Gearing / Gearboxes
- Crop Shear, Line Shaft, Down Coiler
- Engineering Services
From the reheat furnaces, through the roughing and finishing mills, and to the down coiler or cooling bed, Xtek products will exceed today’s operating conditions and meet tomorrow’s challenges. Whether you are considering a replacement or an upgrade, contact an XTEK representative to discuss your needs.