Universal Joints
Xtek universal joints offer excellent performance in the most demanding applications of our steel and aluminium mill customers. With our extensive power transmission knowledge and experience, we are able to recommend the most effective solutions.
Our focus in the supply of universal joints is on applications where custom engineering is essential. Our approach is to provide design analysis, material upgrades and heat treat solutions that cannot be solved with an “off the shelf” product. As a result, Xtek universal joints are designed for specific applications to maximize the load capability and increase the overall life of this assembly.
Universal Joint designs manufactured and supported by Xtek:
- Closed Eye
- Split Eye
- Block Type
- Various “custom design” universal joints
Xtek provides solid and telescoping shafts, along with the typical flange designs utilized in heavy duty applications.
Features of Xtek Universal Joints:
- TSP carburized and hardened integral spade bore (keyless) Roll End Casing
- TSP carburized cross and bearing cups
- Multi-Lip seal design
- Nitrided splines for telescoping assemblies
- Internal “centralize” lube system
To learn more about Xtek universal joints, contact your Xtek Europe Contact.